Raison D'Etre

I would have started this with “Hello! It has been a while!” but that is honestly an understatement. My last post was in June of 2018 so that is well over a year ago. Truthfully, it’s been rough thinking of things to write when life had just been a hodgepodge of uncertainty and a lot…I mean a LOT of soul searching throughout the tough times.

But… I can never stay away from writing for too long. During the past year, I have never stopped writing in my journals; documenting little pieces of life and the people that play a big part in those moments. Some parts would be embarrassing to read through now but most of them continue to remind me how I made my way through all those times; sad, painful, enraging… all of them played their part in building my character and my strengths.

Now, you may be wondering… what now?

Well, I may not have an exact direction of where I wish to head with this blog but I know one thing - I love writing…and I want to be more honest with whatever I put on paper or on screen. I have realised that a lot of things happen best when they come directly from your heart; honest and sincere. Some of my most popular blog posts are about my experiences as a MassComm student and my personal tips to help anyone who will be entering university in that line of study. Truthfully, I wrote those posts out of the feeling that I wanted to help any new students the same way I used to visit a blog while studying for my SPM. The way that a little bit of motivation in every post gave me strength to believe that I can succeed.

At the same time, my most viewed YouTube video is not one I thoroughly planned or filmed to follow the trends… it is literally of a niche mobile game and how I reacted to its trailer. Funnily enough, I filmed another video before that about a very popular Kpop group’s new music video. And yet, that video of my reaction to the game has ten times the views from the music video and the comments section truly showed how they related with me more in that video.

It’s funny that sometimes the things we plan out so thoroughly don’t exactly end up being the best…but it proves how the things we create out of passion and interests are the most precious. Of course, I don’t believe this will always happen 10 out of 10 times, but it is incredibly heart-warming to see people’s support when it reaches them.

There is less than two months to 2020 and I think there is no better time to revisit my old passion than now. I wish to try my best in sharing pieces of my life and try to bring up topics to help others who take their time in visiting my blog. It could be my blog’s raison d’etre I suppose hahaha

I won’t make this little post lengthier than it already is so thank you very much for your time! Have a nice day ahead of you and stay healthy everyone.

Assalamualaikum and ciao!

Anis Diana

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